Sunday, November 3, 2013

Comments on Pitches

In last weeks' blogs I commented on "The Source" and "Focused Fencing".  So, here are my comments on the rest!

The Gamer's Gazette: I think this is a really neat idea.  A lot of people love video games and I think this could be a way to promote involvement with the news as well.  I was wondering how much money you though you needed to get started as well as if you had thought of using events to make money?  You could sponsor scavenger hunts or 5K runs or something like that to go along with the whole adventure/video game theme.

Exploring New Hampshire, Discovering Asia: I think you definitely found a niche subject area that works really well for you.  I also think it is interesting that you don't want a paid subscription.  I love it, I think you can pull in a lot of consumers that way.  One question I had was: what will your advertising look like and how exactly will you make money from it?

Well Now: I think your target audience will really enjoy something like this.  I know I like to read up on articles to help me be my best self and make myself healthier so I think that this could be something a lot of people can relate to.  I was wondering if you could partner yourself with local health food stores or something like that to promote your business as well as the local businesses in your area.  It could be a good way to get the word out right when you're starting!

News in Comics:  This is a really fun idea!  I was wondering though, is the 100K specifically to get you started or will you make money some other way?  Once your company is started and you have spent the 100K how do you plan to make money?  Just something I was wondering!  Overall, great, creative idea!

Unblocked Writers: Really innovative idea, I would for sure use this!  You mentioned interactive advertising in your pitch.  What would that look like?  Would it be online or, like, handing things out to people? I just wasn't sure!

See the News:  Great idea, I love the idea of a mobile app, it's very technologically savvy of you.  How much would it cost for users?  I'm just thinking people might not want to pay for a subscription and for the mobile app if it's too much.  Overall though, I love the idea.  Did you see the recent article about the man who documented his wife's struggle with cancer? It was so powerful and I think your idea will hit home with a lot of people!

The New Stand: Cute and clever idea!  I think it's a great way to harness the age of technology while also promoting the "traditional" news outlets.  I also think your business model could work really well but do you have an idea of how much it will cost to run your company just so you could predict how much you would need to make off advertisements? It's a bit of an in depth question but I was just wondering!

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